Assgnment Downloads

By submitting any of these assignments as your own work, you are not doing wrong by me...however beware of being prosecuted for plagarism, its easier to spot than you may think. These assignments are merely for reference and educational purposes and I hold no responsibility for any bad that may come from them, as stated in the disclaimer.
IMPORTANT NOTE: due to problems in converting from Works 4 to Word 6 format, there are many assignments missing from here in Word6 format. In fact, there are about 20 more assignments in the Works4 format than in Word6. This is why I recommend that you download the Works4 assignments pack and make the effort to use something that views these. In the long run, there will be more assignments and you will be seeing them in the state that they were origionally handed up as.
IMPORTANT NOTE2:any references to people, places or specific events have been removed from these assignments in order to preserve the safety of those in question.

Downloads index

MS Works 4 Format

Works 4 Format All assignments in a .ZIP (3.43 MB)

MS Word 6 Format

Business Maths Assignments
Business_Applications_Assignment Folio_Title_Page Major_Statistics_Assignment
Savings_Loans_Directed_Investigation Share_Market_Investigation Statistics_Computing_Task
Statistics_Assignment Stocks_and_Shares_Major_Project


CAD_Foreign_Debt_Essay Core_Assignment Enterprise_Bargaining_Essay
Fixing_the_Economy_Essay Macro-economic_Objectives_Essay Market_Structure_Survey_Report

PAS English
Analysis_of_Rebecca_Book Chocolate_War_Speech
Comparison_between_Chocolate_War_Essay_and_Movie Comparison_Between_ChocWar_Dead_Poets_Society_Essay
Critical_Writing_on_a_Persons_Speech_to_the_Class Egyptian_Pyramids__Egyptian_or_not
Independent_Reading_Essay__Animal_Farm (but in WPS format)
Letter_to_the_Editor Me_and_My_Girl_Musical_Performance_Review
Poetry_Critique__Ulyses Poetry_Assignment__20_Poem_Compilation_Comments
Response_to_the_Chocolate_War_Book Summary_of_the_Chocolate_War_Book

Food & Hospitality
Catering_Enterprise_Project Food_Selection_Preparation__Presentation_Assignment
Food__Hospitality_Jobs_Assignment Independent_Study
Morning__Afternoon_Teas_Assignment Occ_Health_Safety_Assignment
Occ_Health_Safety_Speech Old_Collegians_Dinner
Personal_Practical_Demonstration_Report Successful_Working_Environments_Essay

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