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Course Content of the Year

Here is a complete listing of the sections and specific topics studied in Year 12 Economics (South Australian & Western Australia)

What is involved?

Economics is a progressive knowledge subject, which means that advancing through the subject requires a firm understanding of previously studied topics. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you understand work you are doing and apply it at other times, especially in tests. If you choose to ignore your weaknesses, exam-time will be impossibly busy.
Throughout the entire year, Economics is quite a heavy subject. Every day that you have a lesson, you will be set homework and quite often there will be a major assignment or essay to write on top of that homework. On top of all that, there will be tests to study for about every two or three weeks and of course a mid-year exam. This may seem like a lot, unfortunately, the biggest challenge for most students is to actually grip and master the concepts of Economics. However, if my basic advice (given below) is followed, the whole task of Year 12 Economics will seem easier and is bound to be more successful.

What can be done before year 12 or what should be done ASAP?

Admittedly, there is not a great deal that can be done in preparation for Economics. It is probably best to ask your teacher what to do, since the course varies depending on the teacher. However, there is often an assignment which involves collecting newspaper articles, which is a real hassle to do through the year. So speak to the teacher to arrange something.

General Advice and Tips For Year 12 Economics

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